Jan 25, 2014

Jack Ryan sucks

Just got back from the movies. Saw Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. The movie sucks on different levels.
Chris Pine might be the cool guy. But to me, he doesn't look convincing in this particular role. In the beginning, he is a student watching 9/11 on the TV, then he's portrayed as a brave soldier who joined the Army to fight terrorism (flying in a helicopter, talking about football eventually injuring his back after the helicopter was shot down), then he basically kills two birds with one stone by making his way through recovery and meeting his future girlfriend. At about that same time cool and mysterious Kevin Costner makes an offer to work for the CIA, and after that, he becomes a "watching and analyzing a lot of figures udon'tknowshitabout Wall Street CIA idon'twannahurtnobody" guy. He just doesn't seem to have the magic that big stars have to pull it off. My brother likes to talk about how the Hollywood big stars era is coming to the end simply because the stars don't bring the amount of money they used to. Don't forget it's all about money out there.
And by the way, Chris got bad skin for big screens, unfortunately. Damn you HD.
And Kiera Knightley, she's just not my type. Sorry girllll)
Almost forgot about Kenneth Branagh, come on man angry Russian dude. Stop it.
This dude also got no lips. I have a really strong feeling he has no teeth as well just because I haven't seen them.
Thor sucks. Thor II sucks. And of course, the Avengers sucks so bad I can't even describe it.
The movie is supposed to be a serious action/thriller, but it turns out to be funny almost all the way through. The way they speak, react or do stuff is hilarious. At least it seemed to me that way.
Take a look at the poster. You might think this is gonna be a Bourne-like movie. It is not.
Damn, Kenneth, get your shit together. 

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