Jul 17, 2015

Fake Vans Old Skool Experiment

I bought fake Vans the other day. I knew they were fake otherwise how else did they only cost me 28$ plus I tried them on while sitting in the front seat of the plug's Hyundai. Sounds legit, right? Aside from that, they passed all the signs that usually help to tell the fake from the authentic shoes. So you may ask, why did I buy them? First of all, I am cheap, cheap as hell and it might have something to do with me being Asian. Secondly (not sure why I've started counting, I only have like two things to say, well, anyway), and more importantly, I really want to know how fast they wear out. Does the quality really differ from those in the real shop? So basically I bought them to find out "do I have to pay more?".
I have some experience behind my back dealing with the fake Vans, in particular with Authentic Ones (feel the irony) which I got from eBay. After two months of every other day, light usage they were like "I was ballin' hard in them, they wanna fine me", holes on the sides probably from my crazy street lateral moves, or because I have freaking flat feet that could destroy any shoes no matter what. 
On the other hand, I also have Vans Zapato Del Barco which have been serving me for a solid half a year of hardcore usage(ok, not so hardcore) and they don't look like tearing apart anytime soon. They are 100% real and I purchased them at the legitimate store.

At that point, you're probably thinking, "that fool should buy real stuff and stop whining".  Perhaps you're right, but (there is always "but") just for the sake of getting to the bottom of this (and saving my money) I shall proceed with the experiment. As you can see(I sincerely hope you can) I'm posting pics of sneakers on the very first day of me having them (interesting how many people had tried them on before I stuck with them), and I'm going to upload new ones as soon as they'll start cracking. Start counting dayyyyys))
UPD. 1 month passed, still looking good.

Фото опубликовано Victor Badmaev (@victorbadmaev)
 UPD. I totally forgot about this. Unfortunately, their fakeness came through pretty fast so I had to throw them away. But it's all good I still have my Zapato Del Barcos. I'm going to stick to real ones from now on. Probably. 

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