Apr 29, 2016

Gosha Rubchinskiy X Gosha Dickchinskiy

For everyone out there looking for that trendy Russian stuff with the name Gosha Rubchinskiy on it, please just take a look at this. This is something I came up with while sitting on the toilet. If you are someone who doesn't know Russian you might ask how it's different from an authentic one. Well, as you can see first 3 letters on my t-shirt are changed (yes, this torso is mine(btw a lot of girls would like to say that but I'm not that easy)). You see in Russia we (actually some people, mostly young and not very bright) have some kind of joke of replacing the first part of a word with "хуй" (it reads as "hui" which means dick). Sometimes it can be a little bit different depending on the word. So in this case it came out as Gosha Dickchinskiy. Shots fired. And I believe that if you wear this t-shirt it emphasizes the fact of you being a trendy fella + gives you a couple of extra points by making fun of the trend itself. Isn't it the best way to handle mainstream things? Especially when you don't have money to buy them.
Hardcore Hypebeast.
Фото опубликовано victorbadmaev (@getobuddha)

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