Mar 7, 2016


Just when I was about to do my regular visit to Kevjumba's youtube page I discovered that he has deleted all his videos recently. Apparently, it happened on February 1st, 2016. Not a lot of time passed since I got used not to expecting new videos from him and now this. Like, come on man. Why? I came to watch the "This is home" video for what felt like the millionth time again because, first of all, I really like it and secondly I feel it's the best farewell video that Kev could come up with. I realized it when I watched it. It just clicked. That was like saying goodbye to a really good friend and realizing you would never see him again. Never. But instead of feeling sad, I felt happy for him. Or at least I tried to.
So whatever you do, good luck to you, man!

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