Aug 14, 2015

The 1st full length movie on Instagram

So what do you do when you have a lot of free time? You do whatever you like. I, for one, uploaded the original 1968 Night of the Living Dead to Instagram. I don't want to sound too cocky (who am I kidding, I really want to) but I believe it's the first time someone (in this case me) uploaded the full movie. The very first time in the history of mankind. Can you imagine what it feels like? Probably not, since there aren't too many pioneers in the world these days. And I, by the shockingly incredible combination of my mind's power and unemployment, which is a true blessing, generated this, what now feels like a crappy idea, work of art and became one of those pioneers. Well, enough with bravado.
You might ask, "Why is 1968 Night of the Living Dead?". It's easy. NotLD is in the public domain which means you can do whatever you want with it (please tell me I am right). As soon as I've settled on the movie, it took me just a half an hour to divide it into parts up to 15 seconds each, and only then started the long and boring process of actual uploading from the end of the movie to its beginning(it's more convenient that way)
Now as I've finished I see that people enjoying this page, but not on the scale I thought they would be. You know how it is. So follow it)    

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