May 24, 2013

After Earth: What's the twist?

Everybody who saw the After Earth trailer now thinking about what twist is gonna be there. First of all, it might have no twist at all. We've got the idea of Mr. Shyamalan making us say WHAT?? at the end of his movies but it is not what it is. His last directed movie is The Last Airbender and the only mystery was how bad it is gonna be. And before that was The Happening, a shitty movie in my opinion. Oh wait, Marky Mark also said the movie was terrible. Do you remember Signs? I understood what he wanted to say but damn, it was an awful way of telling the story.  
Update: just watched the movie and first of all I don't think it deserves 4.6 on It's pretty watchable. Secondly, there is no twist at the end. But somehow I think it can be interpreted as events shown in the movie took place not in our future but in our past. It happened a lot of years ago maybe 40k or 50k. One of the proofs of this theory can be cave paintings that Kitai saw. 

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