May 14, 2020

In the Mouth of Madness

Dec 20, 2019

The most Korean scene of Marriage Story

Am I right?
The visual style(mainly lighting), low-key cheesy music, and even facial expressions equal the Korean film-like experience, at least for me. Don't get me wrong, that's not bad at all. Just watch Parasite!
I just think this scene feels a little foreign in the movie. What do you think? 

Aug 12, 2016

Shaka Smart/Manu Ginobili

I had no idea Manu Ginobili had a side job coaching U18 USA Basketball Team. Good job, man!

Jul 24, 2016

The Champ is here

With the first ring under his belt, the Champ strikes again becoming a cover athlete for the upcoming NBA 2k17. Surely it wasn't a surprise, after putting up such a monster, out of these world, numbers and single-handedly bringing the first title to Cleveland. The true hero. Period.    

Jul 21, 2016

Money Story

Have you ever watched a movie and thought to yourself, "I like this line, I will try to use it" and then after walking out of the movie you completely forgot about it. 
Well, even though I watched "Swingers" at home, the quote "baby, you are so money, and you don't even know it" was engraved in my head alongside other epic quotes like "get to da Choppa" and some other lines I can't recall now. 
While I haven't utterly lost this one yet, please enjoy all the "money" scenes. 

Something I've Heard

Today it suddenly came back to me, and by "it" I mean the thing Doug Collins said about Klay Thompson during the podcast I was listening to more than a year ago.  
Doug Collins said Klay Thompson is an underrated athlete and he reminded him of Allan Houston, whom he coached in Detroit. Arnie Kander (trainer) used some tests and it turned out that Houston was a better athlete than his teammate, none other than Grant Hill, who was considered to be a freaky athlete at the time. Doug called Allan a "sleepy player" because he never played with fire, energy, and passion although he had it. 

Apr 29, 2016

Gosha Rubchinskiy X Gosha Dickchinskiy

For everyone out there looking for that trendy Russian stuff with the name Gosha Rubchinskiy on it, please just take a look at this. This is something I came up with while sitting on the toilet. If you are someone who doesn't know Russian you might ask how it's different from an authentic one. Well, as you can see first 3 letters on my t-shirt are changed (yes, this torso is mine(btw a lot of girls would like to say that but I'm not that easy)). You see in Russia we (actually some people, mostly young and not very bright) have some kind of joke of replacing the first part of a word with "хуй" (it reads as "hui" which means dick). Sometimes it can be a little bit different depending on the word. So in this case it came out as Gosha Dickchinskiy. Shots fired. And I believe that if you wear this t-shirt it emphasizes the fact of you being a trendy fella + gives you a couple of extra points by making fun of the trend itself. Isn't it the best way to handle mainstream things? Especially when you don't have money to buy them.
Hardcore Hypebeast.
Фото опубликовано victorbadmaev (@getobuddha)

DWade Playin' Some Tough D

Yo DWade, what are you pointing at? Oh, at the guy who's about to make the game-winning 3pt shot? Maybe, at the guy who you should be guarding?  Or at the guy you've just lost and didn't pay attention to during the last minute of the crucial game? Come on, man.  

Mar 18, 2016

Putin X Krang

If you've been wondering what the heck is going on in Russia. 
Here it is. 
Does it make any sense? 
Not really.
Who cares?
Russia X

Mar 7, 2016


Just when I was about to do my regular visit to Kevjumba's youtube page I discovered that he has deleted all his videos recently. Apparently, it happened on February 1st, 2016. Not a lot of time passed since I got used not to expecting new videos from him and now this. Like, come on man. Why? I came to watch the "This is home" video for what felt like the millionth time again because, first of all, I really like it and secondly I feel it's the best farewell video that Kev could come up with. I realized it when I watched it. It just clicked. That was like saying goodbye to a really good friend and realizing you would never see him again. Never. But instead of feeling sad, I felt happy for him. Or at least I tried to.
So whatever you do, good luck to you, man!